What is Spiraling and how do we stop it?

a woman writing in her journal

We’ve all had those days where one unhelpful thought leads to an all-out negativity fest that we can’t seem to get out of. Maybe it started with a small mistake, disagreement, or just not feeling great and now it feels like the whole day has been ruined. Our minds have a knack for amplification of negativity. Anxiety and worry take over impacting our mental wellbeing.

What is spiraling?

The term “spiraling” is used to describe a cycle of negative thinking patterns that escalate and become overwhelming. We use the word “triggers” to describe events that usually activate the spiraling mentality.

Common triggers for spiraling

Common triggers for spiraling thoughts include: stressful life events, comparisons to others, overwhelming tasks and responsibilities, and relationship issues. Understanding your triggers and building awareness for events that are likely to set off your negative thinking is one of the first steps in developing coping skills and overcoming spirals.

Spiraling can feel overwhelming with negative thinking overpowering our minds. With awareness, practice, and effort it is possible to break the cycle. It’s okay to have a “bad day” from time to time, but with these skills you’re better prepared to find relief when it’s needed.   

How to stop the spiraling

  • Mindfulness – Stay in the moment while being present and fully engaged with the here and now without being overwhelmed by your thoughts

  • Physical Activity – Exercise releases those feel-good chemicals that can turn your mood around

  • Engage your Brain – Learning something new can be a great distraction and can also offer purpose that will help to ground you

  • Reframe Negative Thoughts – Replace negative thought with a more balanced or positive one. When a negative thought pops up, question it.

  • Journaling – Writing out your feelings can help you process them better and often helps to provide clarity on the situation

  • Practice Gratitude – Pivot your focus from what’s wrong to all the things that are right

Call us at the Counseling and Wellness Center, located in Parkersburg or Belpre, and one of our trained professionals would love to help you out.


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